- AAFS American Academy of Forensic Sciences
- ACA American Correctional Association
- ACCA American Correctional Chaplains Association
- ACFE Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
- ACHSA American Correctional Health Service
- American Association of State Troopers
- American Police Veterans
- American Polygraph And Voice Stress Association
- American Polygraph Association
- ANPR Association of National Park Rangers
- APCA American Police Canine Association
- APPA American Probation and Parole Association
- ASCID American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
- ASCLD American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
- ASQDE American Society of Questioned Document Examiners
- AWDA American Working Dog Association
- CADA Canine Accelerant Detection Association
- CAMA Correctional Accreditation Managers Association
- CEA Correctional Education Association
- CJCA Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators
- COPS Concerns of Police Survivors
- Corrections Technology Association
- CUSA Corrections U.S.A.
- DADDAC Dogs Against Drugs, Dogs Against Crime
- DRONERESPONDERS Public Safety Alliance
- FBIAA FBI Agents Association
- HAPCOA Hispanic American Police Commanding Officers Association
- HTCIA Intl High Technology Crime Investigation Association
- IAAI Intl Association of Arson Investigators
- IAC Intl Administration Centre
- IACIS- International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists
- IACP Intl Association of Chiefs of Police
- IACTP Intl Association of Correctional Training Personnel
- IADLEST intl Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training
- IAFN Intl Association of Forensic Nurses
- IAI Intl Association for Identification
- IAWP Intl Association of Women Police
- IBPO Intl Brotherhood of Police Officers
- IHIA Intl Homicide Investigators Association
- International Association of EMS Chiefs
- International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association
- Intl Association of Women in Fire and Emergency Services
- IPA Intl Police Association
- IPA Intl Police Association (USA)
- IPMBA International Police Mountain Bike Association
- IPWDA Intl Police Work Dog Association
- IUPA Intl Union of Police Associations (also NPTA)
- LAB Laboratory Accreditation Board
- LEVA Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association
- NAAWS North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents
- NAEMSE Natl Association of EMS Educators
- NAEMSP Natl Association of EMS Physicians
- NAEMT Natl Association of Emergency Technicians
- NAPWDA North America Police Work Dog Association
- National Association of Campus Safety Administrators
- National Black Police Association
- NAWLEE Natl Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives
- NCCHC Natl Commission on Correctional Healthcare
- NCEA Natl Criminal Enforcement Association
- NCLEES Natl Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies
- NCSTL Natl Clearing House for Science, Technology and Law
- NFSTC Natl Forensic Science Technology Center
- NIAIA Natl Internal Affairs Investigators Association
- NPBA Natl Police Bloodhound Association
- NPCA Natl Police Canine Association
- NPTA Natl Police and Troopers Association (also IUPA)
- NREMT Natl Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
- NSA Natl Sheriffs Association
- NTPDA Natl Tactical Police Dog Association
- POSA Police Officers Safety Association
- SEPLA School Educators Police Liason Association
- SOFT Society of Forensic Toxicologists
- Southeastern Homicide Investigators Association (SEHIA)
- TACDA The American Civil Defense Association
- The Center for Homeland Defense and Security
- United States Police Association
- UPCKA United Police & Corrections K-9 Association
- US First Responders Association
- USDWA US Deputy Wardens Association
- WIFLE Women in Federal Law Enforcement