National Public Safety Information Bureau

Product Specials

  • Protect 100% of the Apparatus Bay Area with AIRVAC 911® Engine Exhaust Removal System

    The AIRVAC 911® Engine Exhaust Removal System protects 100% of the apparatus bay area by constantly monitoring and automatically removing diesel exhaust and particulate matter from your station 24/7. No hoses, building modifications, ducting or external exhaust fans. A MERV-16 filter removes particles as small as 0.3 microns in size . Plus, remove off-gassing and engine exhaust backwash. Energy efficient. NFPA 1500/OSHA/GSA Compliant. Made in USA.  
    Request your free proposal.

    Air Vacuum Corporation
    Phone: 800-540-7264


    Posted: 09/16/2024